ClaferWiki-Specific Help Demonstration

Add a Clafer code fragment as follows:

abstract A
c -> C *
A1 : A
[ # c = 2 ]
abstract B : A
abstract C

or in the full code block notation

C1 : C
C2 : C

Add a graph in the simplified notation:

c0_A abstract A c0_C abstract C c0_A->c0_C c c0_A1 A1 : A c0_A1->c0_A c0_B abstract B : A c0_B->c0_A c0_C1 C1 : C c0_C1->c0_C c0_C2 C2 : C c0_C2->c0_C

Double click on the graph in the simplified notation to show/hide references. By default, the graph only shows inheritance relationships allowing for quick inspection of the inheritance hierarchy which is not directly visible in Clafer’s textual notation.

Add a graph in the CVL notation:

c0_A A c0_c c->c0_C [0..*] c0_c->c0_A c0_A1 A1:c0_A Uid not Found [ # c = 2 ] Uid not Found->c0_A1 c0_B B:c0_A c0_C C c0_C1 C1:c0_C c0_C2 C2:c0_C

Add statistics:

Module Statistics: | All clafers: 7 | Abstract: 3 | Concrete: 4 | Reference: 1 | Constraints: 1 | Goals: 0 | Global scope: 1..* | Can skip name resolver: no |

Add download links for a complete model file (.cfr) and a self-contained HTML rendering of the model file (.html):

Module Downloads: | [.cfr] | [.html] |

Add summary, which includes 1) a graph in the simplified notation, 2) module statistics, and 3) the download links:

c0_A abstract A c0_C abstract C c0_A->c0_C c c0_A1 A1 : A c0_A1->c0_A c0_B abstract B : A c0_B->c0_A c0_C1 C1 : C c0_C1->c0_C c0_C2 C2 : C c0_C2->c0_C
Module Statistics: | All clafers: 7 | Abstract: 3 | Concrete: 4 | Reference: 1 | Constraints: 1 | Goals: 0 | Global scope: 1..* | Can skip name resolver: no |

Module Downloads: | [.cfr] | [.html] |