Example of composing two multi-relations

A span from Bundle to Item and from Bundle to Category.

abstract Bundle
contains ->> Item +
uniqueCategory -> Category 2..* = contains.category
allCategory ->> Category 4..*

We would like to write the following but it’s not supported in Clafer currently (as of 0.4.3). We’ll do that in an Alloy escape later.

  allCategory = this <: contains >< category

One bundle.

Every item belongs to a product category.

abstract Item
category ->> Category


enum Category = Bakery | Dairy

And four items:

Bread : Item
Muffin : Item
Butter : Item
Milk : Item

Escape to Alloy to compose all b : Bundle | b.allCategory = b <: contains >< category:

fact {
     [ c0_contains,    ~r_c0_contains,    c0_contains_ref
     , c0_category,    ~r_c0_category,    c0_category_ref
     , c0_allCategory, ~r_c0_allCategory, c0_allCategory_ref
pred compose[
  hd1: univ, sleg1: hd1->univ, tleg1: hd1->univ,  // span
  hd2: univ, sleg2: hd2->univ, tleg2: hd2->univ,  // span
  res: univ, slegr: res->univ, tlegr: res->univ ] // span
  some r1: res->hd1 | some r2: res->hd2 |
   all a: hd1, b: hd2 |
    a.tleg1 = b.sleg2 implies { one r: res | r.r1 = a && r.r2 = b } &&
    #res = #(hd1<:tleg1).~(hd2<:sleg2) &&
    res<:slegr = r1.(hd1<:sleg1) && res<:tlegr = r2.(hd2<:tleg2)

Go back to composing a multi-set with a multi-relation.