Part I
We will model a domain of small regional train stations, restricting our attention to track layouts.
Let’s start with commonalities among the different train stations. Each regional station has some main tracks, and some incoming and outgoing tracks, connecting it to the main line system.
A Clafer model is built predominantly from ‘clafers’ (which assume the roles of classes, objects, features, and associations). We write ‘Clafer’ for the language and ‘clafer’ referring to these building entities.
Every line declares a new
, which represents a concept or a property. The clafers are nested using indentation (main_tracks
is a child clafer ofRegionalStationConf
, and so aretracks_in
).Each clafer is followed by a ‘clafer cardinality’ constraint, which restricts the allowed number of its instances: in general, the cardinality is an interval
, wherem
can be*
to indicate unboundedness.In general clafer constraints are interpreted in the instance of the context (parent clafer), so the restriction that there must be exactly one instance of main tracks, holds for each instance of
separately.Convenience notation:
simplifies tom
simplifies to1
simplifies to?
- and
For clafers that are not parts of groups (see about groups later), the default cardinality constraint is
and can be omitted for brevity. Seetracks_out
; in fact all subclafers ofRegionalStationConf
have the same cardinality constraint, just written using alternative notations.A clafer instance can exist only when its parent clafer’s instance exists (e.g., instance of
cannot exist without an instance ofRegionalStationConf
).Clafers with cardinality
(or equivalently1
) are called ‘mandatory’ and are used typically to represent commonality.abstract
is a keyword indicating that we are introducing a type without any instances (yet). The type can be instantiated either by omittingabstract
or as follows:
What are the model instances? In our case, we can interpret our
as a description of variability across all small train stations, so different configurations of stations will be instances. Since all clafers in our model are mandatory, there is only a single instance of our model (i.e., there is actually no variability yet). This one configuration has one instance ofmain_tracks
, one oftracks_in
and one oftracks_out
.Let’s use the tool
to generate the instance.
- Task 1: Press the button to open the model from
this page in the IDE and press the button
in theInstance Generator
window. Then press the buttonNext
to generate another instance and see what happens.
Close the IDE and move to the page